
Department of Engineering Science,
Oxford University, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ,
United Kingdom

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Research Interests

  • Intelligent underground construction monitoring

Jiaxu Zuo

DPhil Researcher

Department of Engineering Science, Oxford University,
Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ, United Kingdom


Jiaxu Zuo received her BSc in mechanical engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology and her BEng in mechatronic systems (Honours) from the Australian National University in a joint program. Her bachelor’s degree research project at the Australian National University supervised by Professor Tom Gedeon was about image processing and face recognition. After graduated from the Australian National University, she entered the University of Bristol and obtained her MSc in biomedical engineering. Her dissertation, directed by Professor David Bull, was about software development and image feature extraction regarding video compression and processing.

She will begin her DPhil at Oxford University in October 2021. Under the supervision of Professor Sinan Acikgoz and Dr. Brian Sheil, her research will focus on using image processing and deep learning techniques to improve digital correlation analysis (DIC) for structural degradation monitoring.